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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Happiest Man in the World Explains it All


  1. This video didn't try to define what "happiness" was but how the average person can change their view on what happiness is. He also didn't use the word "happiness" bacuase he felt the definition is "vague" so he changed it with the word "well-being." One thing that I found very interesting was that he spoke on "Karma" and that we should look into ourselves to find serenity and a sense of fullfillment.

  2. Huo ying Lin
    After watching the video, "Happiest Man in the World Explains it all", one thing I learn that people don't simply get happiness, they actually need to experience something before they find their real happiness. At the same time, the mind trainning gets my attention. I will spend certain amount of time on mind trainning from now on.

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  4. Skky Ifudu

    I found this video to be very interesting considering the lecture was from 'The Happiest Man On Earth', French meditater Matthieu Ricard. According to him, happiness is a state of mind and in order to be truly happy we need to look inward. He also suggests that everytime we are angry, we break down the very idea of anger until it disappears. I disagree with this idea of being infinitely happy all the time because negativity balances out positivity. We need to take the bad along with the good because the bad times make the good times more great to enjoy.

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  6. Brittney Maldonado

    This video clip had me reflecting on times that I have been angry and it made me realize that,what he says is true. No matter how long ago it happened, everytime you think about it, you become annoyed.

  7. Diana Murillo

    Part of me doesnt understand how this video shows he is the happiest man on earth. To me it shows his prospective on how he sees we view life. I think he makes a good point with mind tranning because some people you see around the city could actually take a step back and train there mind to have a diffrent prospective in life.

  8. Hui Ling Mei
    Before watching this clip I knew that meditation was hard from my yoga classes, but after watching the clip it seems even harder and with more meaning to it. What was really surprising was that they meditate for 20-40,000 hours, and going into a state of nothingness, but love.

  9. I think this video was very interesting. I noticed how Matthieu Ricard divides the concept of happiness vs. pleasure .Happiness which he defines it as deep serenity and fulfillment .pleasure is defined as a change of nurture. I agree with what he states because I think of our mind is at peace people aren’t stressed. Stress is not a good feeling because it can just led to frustration which doesn’t make us happy
    Susana Sanchez

  10. Diana Guevara
    Mattheiu Ricard was a very intruiging and informing speaker. He enlightened me on many aspects of happiness. For example the thesis on how you can train yourself to be happy and meditation. I also liked his definition of happiness, or as he also said "well-being". Part of that definition was the deep sense of serenity and fulfillment

  11. This video made me think about the things that make me happy. His idea of "having everything is going to make you happy is ultimatley the destruction of the concept of happiness" made me realize that having everything you want isn't always going to make you happy. I was interested when he said that within time and meditation he took in difficult situations but quickly got over it. I was a little confused on how it is possible to be happy all the time. I'd like to know more about his concepts and know some more about his past experiences.

  12. This guy Matthieu Ricard is insane.I know he said that we should take good care of the brain, Like we do fitness activities.I think too much some thing is bad for you...I know he mention the training of mind matters but i believe just like the body,we can do physical training 12 hours a day.

  13. Cey Scott

    Despite his thick accent , i still really didnt understand how he is the happiest man on earth. He probably hasnt grown up like i did so him being the happiest man on earth is possible. He had a very good point about mind training though , maybe if we train our minds like he did then we probably can be the happiest people on earth too. With so much going on around us , like the bomb treats and killings i dont understand how we can just block
    everything out or get rid of thoughts like that. He basically lives by himself on a mountain , who is thinking about blowing him up. In new york there is so much much going around us so mind training can be very hard for me or anyone else. Maybe one day i might consider trying to mind train but until then im quite fine with my life right now.

  14. Jessica Batiz
    This video didn't really interest me that much. I just don't believe that there can be a man that happy. There were somethings that i really did not understand. He didn't really catch my attention. One of the only things that made me think was when he gave his own definition of happiness. I do think that many should be given a definition bacause alot of people get older and still do not know what is happiness.

  15. Its inspiring how meditation can lead to this inner happiness. You're training your mind to be happy, almost like a cleansing of all the negativity in your mind and body.

    -Allison O'Keefe

  16. well my first impressions to this video was to see the places were the monks in tibet live at
    places were mind will be out of the many distractions that we have here in the city and the way to train the brain to be out of stress, anger, hatred and sorrow. That meditaiting helps to bring hapiness because in the cities we work on fitness, looks and the money. Still think we are happy when we get these things but we lack of the most important thing that really matters within our selves our kindness and acts of good and the training of a healthy brain. One amazing fact that i learn watching this video was to learn that the same part of out brain thatleads us to predicts our future also is in charge of our toughts of anger, hatred, sorrow, and sadness at the right side and hapiness and joy of kindness at the right side

  17. Stephany Alvarado

    This is an interesting video that show us how happiness can be different from pleasure. For example as he says after you ate a lot of chocolate you will feel bad even if you like it. I learned that well being is not a pleasure state but it is a feeling of serenity.
    When we act in a generous way, we will feel happy. But when we act in a bad way, we will fell unhappy.

  18. Happiness or well being is vage word and not pleasurable. It is very hard to change from elation to deprection at the same time.Meditator take a lot of time to get good result, also mind trasportation good for meditaction and will help the frontal loab to be bigger. So, that is will people to be happier and well being.

  19. I thought it was interesting how the speaker is the happiest person in the world. The reason I thought it was intersting was how he can be happy just by meditating most of his life. I agree with what he says "happiness is not to have everything" because when we have everyting we want there is nothing to look foward to.

  20. Elaine "ELLz" Hilario

    Watching this video didn't really explain to me on how he is the happiest man alive. All it showed me was the living he has and the people he help to make himself feel maybe proud of himself. I still don't understand on how a person can just block the whole world. I was counting with my closed eyes and I was still thinking about the next number I was going to count. I am amazed on how Matthieu could do this everyday of his life.

  21. when we first started to view this video i thought to myself how can this man be the happiest man alive.Then i had listen to him speak and i realized wow he might actually be the happiest man alive

  22. Danielle Baptiste

    I did not enjoy this video, like I thought I would but I learned new information. I think he is a deep person.

  23. Adrienne Nevarez

    This is a very intresting video .Ilearned more about happiness and understand it much better. The best part that i like from this video is when the man says that "Conciousness is like a mirror that allows all images to rise on it" @ 20:58.I really enjoyed this video a lot.

  24. Faid Sader

    Matthieu Ricard is a good speaker the way he interacts with the audience using some pictores to make his speech flow. he is not trying to convince that he is right he is just trying to explain what can you do or how can you be happy, its also interesting the way meditation can help one become more happy.

  25. Jose Torres
    According the video the happiness is explained in different ways, it is relative and depend of the circumstances in which the people are. The happiness cannot define as having all (everything) because the lack of a piece of that everything could finish with that happiness. The happiness is so relative that the happiness of someone can be the unhappiness of others.
