
Basics (1) Buddhism (1) Extra Credit (1) Happiness (5) Homework (1) Important (1) Money (1) Psychology (1) Quiz (2) Science (1) Video (5)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Poets, Novelists, Songwriters, Screenplay Authors and anyone just interested in writing?

The Creative Writing Club will be meeting every Wednesday from 2-4 in M317. We share writing, do writing games, and are planning for several events this year. All students from all areas of the college are welcome. You don't have to think of yourself as a writer; just have an interest in writing and meeting some great students.

Leader: Dr. Laura Tanenbaum
Assistant Professor of English
(917) 710-7341

Sunday, September 26, 2010

How do I grade your blogs, anyway?

Here's a quick peek at my "secret" - a grading rubric for blogs.  It definately will let you know what I look for when I grade your blog work. I'm also posting this as a "Course Doc."

There is a slightly different rubric for "papers" which I will hand out soon.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Extra Credit Option

Do you speak Arabic, Russian, Turkish, Jamaican Patois, Bambara, Nepali, Hindi, Tibetan, Bengali or Urdu?

Do you speak any other language?

The school is working on translating a poem by the US Poet Laureate (who is coming to LaGuardia!!) into many different languages to present to her as a gift.

If you attend (and get a faculty member to sign a note saying you were there) I will give you +1 on your final grade.  This could tip the scales.... for example, it your final average is an 89 (B+) it would be an 90 (A-)

Collective Translation
Wednesday Sept 22
2:15-4:45 pm
Room E-103

Thursday, September 16, 2010

ROOM UPDATE FOR SECTION 0796 (the class that meets at 1 PM)

On MONDAYS from now on we meet in B300 in a room with computers !!!
On Thursdays we stay put in C116.

Dan Gilbert on Happiness

Using your google/gmail account, comment in 1-2 paragraphs your reactions to this video.  PLEASE POST YOUR FULL NAME - OR AT LEAST FIRST NAME AND LAST INITIAL -  SO I CAN GIVE CREDIT :)

In addition, you'll be reading John Gertner's "The Futile Pursuit of Happiness" in your coursepack - still available at Neco Printers!  Its a long article so give yourself time to read.  Remember, there might be a quiz on the reading!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Welcome to Class!!

Hello 101 students!

Your syllabus is posted (follow the link on the low right hand side under course docs/ helpful links) if you want an advance peek at it.

See you on Mon!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Great Quizzes on Happiness!!!

You have to register, but its not a commercial site so it shouldn't be a problem.

I just took the Authentic Happiness Inventory and got a 4.25.

If you take it, and if you want to - leave your score and feedback as a comment.